
Old pavilion of Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum to reopen on May 18


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The old pavilion of Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, located on No. 226, Changjiang Road in Nanjing, is to reopen on May 18, after a year and a half’s renovation.

Sun Xiaoyun, curator of the art museum released the news in a news conference on May 13. With seven exhibition halls and a total exhibition area of over 2,000 square meters, the renovated old pavilion has sufficient space to display exquisite items. It will feature long-term exhibitions of upscale classic items.

Built in 1936, Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum is the first national level art gallery in China’s modern art history. It has been in renovation since December, 2011, which is the second time in its history.

According to Sun, the renovation strives to keep the museum’s original architectural style in the exterior and restore the features of the Republican Period between 1912 and 1949.

As it is a historical site under provincial protection, specialists of cultural preservation have been in part of the renovation since it started, including experts from Nanjing Museum. “Every single lamp post and porch have been rigorously designed and undergone repeated demonstrations. We have even dug out the original version of the blueprint.” Sun said.

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