
Performers enjoy zero rental fee


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     The “520 Theatre” project, a zero-rental-fee project co-launched by the Publicity Department of CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee, Jiangsu Performing Arts Group and Nanjing Performing Arts Group, was inaugurated in Jiangnan Theatre On Mar 17. On the same day, Drama Lord Chiang’s Face, which is performed by Nanjing University Master Art Troupe, unveiled the 10-consecutive-day series performance.

  The “520 Theatre” refers to various performances to be shown in the next 52 weeks (one year) with zero theatre rental fees for performers. From Mar 17, 2013 to Mar 2014, one or two performances will be staged in Jiangnan Theatre every week, with modern drama as major contents supplemented by children’s drama, chamber music and Chinese opera.

  All participating performing arts groups can enjoy zero rental fees, and the rentals will be covered by Nanjing municipal government.

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