
Woman in Nanjing adopts 1,500 stray dogs


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Ha Wenjin of Tangquan County, Nanjing, is undoubtedly a big animal lover. She gave up her job, sold her house, jewelry and car to adopt more than 1,500 stray dogs. With the money raised she set up an unofficial rescue centre for dogs, giving them a new and better life.

She first carried out this work in her leisure time but as more and more dogs were accumulated she found she had to work full time. To manage the work she hired ten employees to take care of the dogs and two workers for her 200 cats. Furthermore, Ms. Ha’s land was reclaimed for development forcing her to eventually find a new home for her animals’ shelter, in Houyu village, Pukou district.

Ms. Ha continues to be very thankful for the smallest of help offered to her by any dog lover.

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