
Proud to be Number 1 for all 13 Cities in Jiangsu on Google News


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Jiangsu, home to some 85 million people, is, by some measures, China’s biggest-economic powerhouse, and by extension, the world. And so, it was a proud moment yesterday when this publication became the Province’s number 1 English media outlet, for all 13 cities therein, as measured by Google.

It was at 15:13 yesterday, 30 July, that the latest story from The Nanjinger became Google News’ top item in a search performed for “Wuxi”. That joined the top spots which had been occupied by this publication for some hours in searches for the other 12 cities of Jiangsu.

It had beaten out Xinhua, China Daily, CGTN, The South China Morning Post, et al.; all the big hitters in English media in China. And little ol’ lowly The Nanjinger managed it.

And not only were we number 1 for all 13 cities, The Nanjinger also occupied the top two positions on Google News for the cities of Nanjing, Wuxi, Changzhou and Suzhou, and even the top three positions for the City of Zhenjiang.

But the world of news is fast moving, meaning our tiny triumph was inevitably short lived. 6-hours short lived to be precise. Nevertheless, The Nanjinger regularly tops Google News for over half of the cities in Jiangsu. But this does not detract from that which is the 2023 milestone on the journey of this humble publication.

While The Nanjinger has for many years had its eye out for happenings elsewhere in Jiangsu to share with our readers, the effort went into overdrive in early February of this year.

It was at this time that interest in the resources provided by this publication reached an all-time high, with COVID controls relaxed and many people once again eyeing the Middle Kingdom as a destination for work and play.

The 30 days to 3 February, 2023, in fact saw visitors to The Nanjinger’s website reach record levels; some 14,656 visitors, who looked at a total of 40,751 pages. That was an enormous step up from the previous all-time high of 25K page views set almost a decade ago.

Those numbers continue to remain impressively healthy today. The 30 days to 30 July recorded 11,590 visitors to the site, who checked in with 32,714 pages. That’s pretty encouraging news for the faithful advertisers whose messages grace our pages.

It’s also quite remarkable given that we are in the middle of the summer recess, a time when we traditionally see quite a slump in website traffic, due to our many holidaying readers being otherwise distracted.

At time of publication, The Nanjinger still occupied the top positions on Google News for seven out of the 13 cities of Jiangsu.

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