
​Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Ask about WeChat… Answered!


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The super app. WeChat. There’s an 50-50 chance you’re using WeChat to read this article. And let’s face it, for almost everything else in your life. Hence, we figure our alert readers have wondered from time to time about how WeChat works…

This is where you come in. An upcoming article for this publication shall feature an interview with Kevin Shimota, author of “The First Super App; Inside China’s WeChat and the New Digital Revolution”.

The book, which is a fascinating overview of the Chinese internet (what makes it superior to its western counterparts) and the development of the first super app that is WeChat, has earned itself a #1 New Release banner on Amazon.

Shimota was a foreign high-level executive working for WeChat during many of its formative years. 

Hence, The Nanjinger is offering readers the chance to submit questions for us to field to Shimota during our interview, scheduled to take place week beginning 8 August.

Ask anything you want about WeChat. Got a question about how the “Moments” feature works? How are “Top Stories” compiled? Live broadcasts? Official Accounts? 

Payments? If people like me add a couple of hundred renminbi at a time to their “balance”, how much money in total is WeChat actually sitting on at any given moment?

If there is anything you have always wanted to know about WeChat or the way it works (or doesn’t), now is your chance.

Questions should be sent to us by email. You ask us; we’ll ask the guy who knows.

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