
Wild Boar Terrorises Neighbourhood in Nanjing’s Gulou District


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A wild boar has entertained itself by scaring residents and security guards at a residential community in Nanjing, before becoming injured and finally sedated by zookeepers called in to assist with the potentially dangerous situation.

The past few days saw the beast, about 1.5 metres in length and weighing 150 kilograms, sometime begin to playfully loiter around Nanjing’s Gulou Dongpaotai Residential Community.

Before anyone was able to intervene, the boar injured itself by slamming into the glass door of a temporary shop outside the gate of the community. It was then that security guards from the compound tried to take charge.

To no avail. The boar proceeded to run rings around the guards and community management personnel who were attempting to corner it.

By the time Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo had been alerted, quite a crowd had gathered to witness the entertaining, albeit slightly worrisome, unfolding drama.

Officers from the zoo needed to fire five tranquiliser darts at the boar in order to subdue it, reports The Paper. The animal was then taken to the Zoo for treatment and later discharged, fit and well. As to where has not been reported.

It is far from the first time that wild boars have taken to the streets of Nanjing. Last year, one such animal scared the bejeebers out of a milk tea shop owner as it ran around her shop, while in 2017, this publication reported on a wild boar that had broken into a hospital pharmacy.

The Pukou District hospital cleaner had spotted the boar snorting around the pharmacy in the Accident and Emergency department.

After attempting to fend off the beast and pull it away, she said, “I was trying to protect a child who got too scared and fell on the floor. I wanted to distract the boar but I was not fast enough to dodge it”. The act, that was of little help to the child, enraged the boar, which then bit the cleaner’s left knee and calves.

It was at this point that as many as 12 SWAT police and four policemen were called in to help with the situation.

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