
Concerning Crowded COVID-Careless Chaos All Across China


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The beautiful weather, a lack of opportunity for some time and little perceived threat from COVID have combined into the perfect storm; crowds hitherto unwitnessed at well-known top tourist draws all over the country.

Even with the holiday now in full swing, still people continue to travel. China sent 11.732 million people off on trains just yesterday. An additional 917 trains were laid on to make sure that happened.

It’s a similar picture today; 10.5 million journeys are expected to be made, reports The Paper. But no matter the day of travel, most people are/were destined for largely the same places, accounting for the photos of some unbelievable scenes which have emerged on social media.

And no shortage of comments. They accompanied a collection of photographs taken at popular draws across China, published yesterday by the official WeChat account, “Backpacker” (远行背包客).

Among them, Tian’an Men Square, Universal Studios Beijing, the Great Wall of China, Leshan Giant Buddha, Wutai Shan, West Lake, Shanghai’s Nanjing Dong Lu, the Bund; each has one thing in common.

Or tens of thousands of things in common; people.

As did the places facilitating the populace’s visits to such. Pretty busy at the best of times, both Shanghai Hongqiao and Hangzhou East Railway Stations were sights to behold.

The Backpacker post quickly attracted scores of comments, with many choosing to point out the obvious. As one commenter observed, in many other countries, people are still required to stay at least 3 metres apart. Here, many are even maskless.

Perhaps there is little left for The Nanjinger to say. Instead, we close today with a selection of comments, many of which have attracted hundreds of “thumbs ups”, with the authors’ personae in parenthesis.

“Help yourself to make up your mind to stay at home, and resolutely don’t join the fun. It’s disturbing to watch it”. (丹麦奥迪康助听器(安之若素)

“In the past 2 years, when there have been outbreaks from time to time, during National Day, the whole country celebrates its national peace and security, while the epidemic situation subsides. It is the time for celebration. The grand occasion is unprecedented. Good!” (光哥)

At present, there are still risks from the epidemic. When so many people are crowded together, they are worried and afraid.” (夕阳红)

“So many people are crowded together and the air feels like glue. If there is a virus and the health risk increases, then more comfortable at home. It is suggested that it is safer to take staggered travel.” (天边那片云)

“I hope it [COVID] doesn’t appear after the festival… So many people are crowded together. If there is one, the consequences will be unimaginable. … I’m afraid to think about it.” (有闲来坐坐)

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