
CCP Centenary Marked in Unusual Ways and Unlikely Places


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The glory of today has been inescapable. But aside from the national pomp and ceremony, it has been the activities on a more local level that have played just as important a role in delivering the story of the Chinese Communist Party to the people.

Back in the days before the internet, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wanted to spread its message, it would turn to good old fashioned radio and newspapers. Today though, it’s a different story and more creative efforts are needed to get people’s attention. But no matter they be physical or personal, all is supported by the social media blitz that is WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, Bilibili, etc.

Most significantly for local people was today’s opening of the exhibition hall dedicated to Nanjingers’ achievements in revolution, construction and reform under the leadership of the CCP.

Located adjacent to the Victory Memorial Hall Square at the Qinhuai River estuary with the Yangtze River, a visit to the facility begins through an impressive star-shaped entrance. Therein, more than 80,000 words, 660 pictures, 30 videos, 480 sets of cultural relics and 10 model scenes illustrate the theme of the exhibition that is “Never Forget the Original Intention and Remember the Mission”.

The exhibition is open from today and is free of charge to the public, reports Nanjing Daily. Parts of the exhibition are also in English. 

Over in the city centre of Xinjiekou, a 9.5-metre-high flower basket celebrating the anniversary has appeared in front of Hamleys. Potted flowers are gathered together in a veritable mountain of colour, creating a strong festive atmosphere.

Then there was the spirit shown by the good folks in the Jiangbei New Area Tax Bureau. On 28 June, they gave a performance composed of drama, poetry, dance and song, including ten chapters, with revolutionary titles such as “Dream of Powerful Country and Road to Rejuvenation”.

Song was also the name of the game in Xuanwu District, where moves to mark the centenary took the form of a music video. Chen Weichao, a Party member working for the Urban Governance Committee, wrote the song called “Zijin Xuanwu, Flying in Dreams”. It was then recorded by Yu Ping and turned into a music video, reports the Yangtze Evening News.

Also catching The Nanjinger’s eye recently was a fascinating series of posters commemorating major CCP achievements over the past century, spotted in the public facilities at the Xuyi Service Area on the G25 expressway north of Nanjing.

Seeking expert opinion, The Nanjinger spoke with Caroline Shephard, Primary School Art Specialist at The British School of Nanjing. “One detail of the 2021 centenary poster collection which particularly stood out to me was the way in which it blends both historical, and modern iconography, creating a sense of continuity from the founding of the Communist Party to the present day, through its continual achievements”, she said.

One such example shows the transformation of Shanghai, from the bygone era of the Bund to the skyscraping Pudong of today.

Other posters in the series depict China’s victory in the fight against the epidemic, advances in space exploration, economic growth and the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Last and certainly not least, the series does not forget to include Mao Zedong’s address to the nation at the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, after 28 years of struggle by the CCP.

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