
Woman Driver Stops in Emergency-Use-Only Lane to Put on Makeup


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Nanjing police were lost for words over the recent May Day holiday, when the uptick in travel also brought with it some very strange behaviour on the part of China’s citizens, by some who chose to put the transportation network to uses for which it was not designed. 

One morning busy with folk setting out for the day, local police came upon a car parked in the emergency lane on an expressway near Nanjing. After inquiry, they learned that the woman had left home early and had tragically not had time to do her makeup.

So she decided that the lane reserved for emergencies only was the ideal place to do it instead.

When police approached the vehicle the lady was driving (a Benz of course), the lady opened the window.

“What are you doing here?”, asked the cop.

“Just stopped for a second”, the lady replied. “To put on my makeup.”

“You stopped here to put on makeup?”


“And under what circumstances should emergency lanes be used?”

“In case of injury, or when life is in danger.”

“See, you do know that.”

Subsequently, the police educated the lady and punished her accordingly; six points on her license and a fine of ¥200, reported The Paper.

And if you think that’s odd, the round up of bizarre news from recent days doesn’t end there.

The Paper has also revealed that a man in Nanjing was found to be carrying no less than 1,000 cigarette lighters on his person when travelling by train.

The man, surnamed Li, apparently took the lighters on the train to give to relatives and friends in his hometown (what else would you give?). They were confiscated at the security check when he entered Nanjing Railway Station.

Under train carriage regulations in China, it is not permitted to carry more than 120ml of lighter fluid or other similar alcohol, as well as hair spray and insecticide. For nail polish (the aforementioned lady take note) and hair dye, the limit is as little as 20ml. For liquor, six bottles are all that can be carried, and the bottles should also be unopened.

When it comes to cigarette lighters, two per person is the limit. Mr Li, therefore, was 500 times over the limit.

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