
Is the Moon 2021’s Top May Day Destination in Nanjing?


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A sample of the Lunar surface returned to Earth is among the highlights during the upcoming activities planned to mark an important anniversary in China’s space exploration. With it all happening in Nanjing this year, it’s the perfect May Day distraction.

If yesterday was Earth Day, then tomorrow must be Space Day. Chosen to mark the anniversary of China’s first satellite launch, that of the Dongfanghong-1, in 1970, the country’s Space Day has taken place annually on 24 April since 2016.

In previous years, Space Day was held successively in Beijing, Xi’an, Harbin, Changsha and Fuzhou.

While tomorrow may be the big day, China’s Space Day simply cannot be crammed into 24 hours. The opening ceremony was in actual fact held today, while over 30 symposia, forums and other activities will take place between now and 26 April.

2,000 delegates shall be in attendance, while the main forum kicks off tomorrow, 24 April, at the Nanjing Shangqinhuai International Cultural Exchange Centre in the city’s Jiangning District.

But the real excitement comes between 27 April and 5 May, at the science popularisation exhibition. 

Therein, the public will have a chance to get up close and personal with the actual samples of the moon’s surface returned to Earth by the Chang’e 5 space craft as well as the return capsule itself.

Having only completed the mission on 16 December last year, this will be the first time the unique exhibits have seen displayed outside of Beijing, reports Science & Technology Daily.

Two opportunities are being afforded to visitors to see these pieces of history from China’s space program. The period from 27-30 April is reserved for student groups, while from 1-5 May, the general public may visit.

At time of writing, the mechanism for making reservations remained unannounced. As and when this information becomes available, The Nanjinger shall release it through its social media channels.

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