
Trash is Fun! Citizens Sign up for “Day in the Life of Rubbish”


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With CNY behind us, Nanjing is back at rubbish-classification efforts. Many residential communities have in recent days installed dedicated classification facilities, while local people are joining in a fun activity that takes them where their rubbish goes.

On 18 March was launched the publicity campaign entitled, “Travel with Rubbish”. As such, the first group of 50 residents in Jiangning District found themselves headed off to visit and experience the whole process of rubbish collection, transportation and treatment. 

Gong Yulan lives in the Yinhe Bay Residential Community of Qilin Sub District in Nanjing’s Jiangning District. Her classification facility went in to operation last month, divided into recyclable waste, kitchen waste, residual waste and hazardous waste. “This kind of rubbish sorting kiosk is much cleaner”, she told reporters for Nanjing Daily.

“My family and I have formed a good habit of classifying rubbish at home, but we are particularly curious about where the rubbish goes, so we signed up to have a look.”

Gong joined a group of 50 local residents to visit Qilin Sub District Domestic Waste Comprehensive Treatment and Utilisation Centre. There they learned about the process of rubbish classification, delivery, collection and disposal.

Zhang Xianghua, Deputy Director of Jiangning District Urban Management Bureau, said that this year they will organise 14 Travel with Rubbish activities. It is hoped up to 1,400 residents will join the trips that will also take in a so called Waste Classification Education Hall.

Elsewhere in Nanjing, it is reported that a total of 16 such educational “routes” have been arranged. There is no charge to participate in a Travel with Rubbish activity. Citizens only need to register with the community in their jurisdiction.

While the effort is to be applauded for its creativity and dedication toward getting the message across, there remain inconsistencies. Many residential communities have installed classification facilities that only allow for food waste and all other waste. Such “wet or dry” installations fall foul of the municipal regulations that went into force on 1 November of last year.

Is the Travel with Rubbish concept therefore less about public education and more about paying lip service to very concept of recycling? Perhaps by 1 November this year we will have our answer.

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