
Dancing Nanjng Electric Bus Driver is a Sensation


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There are many advantages to electric vehicles. In addition to being powered by clean energy and enabling a low-emission environment, they are fast and quiet. And for one bus driver in Nanjing, they have also paved the way for fame and fitness.

It was recently that the self-made videos by Jin Guirong, a 41-year-old lady bus driver in Nanjing, went viral, they showing Jin happily dancing in her bus, but for more than just entertainment.

Jin drives a new-energy bus, and as such needs to return to the station to recharge its batteries every two trips. She has been using this time to shoot videos, exercise and relieve stress. Remaining ever cheerful throughout, Jin’s motto is, “Even if you are tired, you must smile”.

To date, Jin has recorded more than 400 videos, in the process winning much praise from her peers, reports The Paper.

Interested readers can check out Jin’s moves via this link.

Those in Nanjing involved in serving the public with their transportation needs are often in the headlines for benevolent deeds undertaken or for side effects experienced from their particular situation.

Back in October of 2018, the two ladies responsible for the driving and upkeep of bus no. 502 were in the news on account of their unusual diet. The bus’ route is the longest in Nanjing at 50 kilometres and it takes a full 3 hours to make all 59 stops. 

With a 6-hour round trip and only one break in the middle, the women found fame for their highly effective, if slightly strange, diet, in which they permit themselves only small sips of water throughout the return journey.

More recently, there was also the story last year of the Nanjing traffic policeman who pushed a broken-down bus with his bare hands under the scorching sun. He become an internet celebrity in China after media told the nation of his good deed and 34 years of conscientious service.

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