
Free Entry Days Announced for 45 Nanjing Scenic Spots in 2021


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With the weather like it’s been today, so our thoughts turn to where we may venture in search of outdoor leisure, given that travel abroad remains a dream for the foreseeable future. Hence, time to publicise the days for free entry to many of Nanjing’s top spots.

Following this list, which is arranged chronologically, are attractions with other periods of free admission, or with conditions attached.

8 April

  • Lishui Special School Experimental Base (Peony Garden); 溧水特校实验基地(牡丹园)

22 April

  • Qixia Mountain Scenic Spot; 栖霞山风景名胜区
  • Seven Buddha Temple in Laoshan National Forest Park; 老山国家森林公园七佛寺景区

23 April

  • Jiangjieshi Hot Spring Villa; 汤山蒋氏温泉别墅
  • Nanjing Ancient Ape Cave Scenic Spot; 南京古猿人洞景区

18 May

  • Chaotian Palace; 朝天宫
  • Museum of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom; 太平天国历史博物馆
  • Nanjing Folk Custom Museum; 南京市民俗博物馆
  • Jiangning Weaving Museum; 江宁织造博物馆
  • Six Dynasties Museum; 六朝博物馆

19 May

  • Nanjing Chinese Imperial Examination Museum; 南京中国科举博物馆(江南贡院历史陈列馆)
  • Wang Xie’s Former Residence Exhibition Hall; 王谢故居展览馆
  • Confucius Temple Dacheng Hall; 夫子庙大成殿
  • Yuyuan (Hu’s garden); 愚园(胡家花园)
  • Li Xiangjun’s Former Residence Exhibition Hall; 李香君故居陈列馆
  • Qin Dashi’s Former Residence; 秦大士故居
  • Wenfeng Tower, International Slow City; 国际慢城文峰塔
  • Youzishan Park Zhenru Zen Temple, Blessing Garden; 游子山公园真如禅寺、祈福园
  • Nanjing Gucheng Lake Slow City; 南京固城湖水慢城
  • Gaochun Old Street; 高淳老街
  • Li Jianchen Art Museum; 李剑晨艺术馆
  • Wei Zixi Art Museum; 魏紫熙艺术馆
  • Mustard Garden Cultural Exhibition Hall; 芥子园文化展馆

8 June

  • Tianshengqiao Scenic Spot; 天生桥风景区

13 June

  • Guabu Shan Scenic Area, Liuhe National Geopark; 六合国家地质公园瓜埠山景区

1 July

  • Tangshan Ming Cultural Village (Yangshan Stele) Scenic Area; 汤山明文化村(阳山碑材)景区
  • Pearl Spring Scenic Spot; 珍珠泉风景区

11 July

  • Niushou Shan Cultural Tourism Area (including Zheng He’s tomb and HongJue Temple Tower); 牛首山文化旅游区(含郑和墓和弘觉寺塔)
  • Nanjing Treasure Shipyard Site Scenic Spot; 南京宝船厂遗址景区

22 July

  • Guizi Hill Stone Pillar Forest; 国家地质公园桂子山石柱林景区

1 August

  • Nanjing Dajinshan Fragrant Valley; 南京大金山风景区

3 August

  • Mochou Lake Park; 莫愁湖公园

8 October

  • Two Tombs of the Southern Tang Dynasty; 南唐二陵

14 October

  • Yuejiang Tower Scenic Spot; 阅江楼景区
  • White Horse Park; 白马公园

17 October

  • Tomb of the King of Boni a.k.a. Tomb of the Sultan of Brunei; 浡泥国王墓景区

11 November

  • Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge Park; 南京大桥公园

13 December

  • Yanziji Park; 燕子矶公园

16 December

  • Nanjing Jinniu Lake Wildlife Kingdom; 南京六合金牛湖风景区

20 December

  • Nanjing Liuhe Jinniu Lake Scenic Spot; 南京六合金牛湖风景区

Elsewhere, some other attractions in Nanjing are offering free entry on additional days, while others have additional limitations.

Nanjing Liuhe Ping Shan Forest Park (南京六合平山森林公园) shall offer two days with free entry; 12 March and 1 July.

The ever-popular Porcelain Tower (大报恩寺遗址公园景区) shall offer free entry during December, but in order to control visitor numbers, such shall be by appointment only. The exact date remains to be confirmed.

Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo (红山森林动物园) shall also offer free entry during December, but the exact date will be made public nearer the time and according to local conditions.

Finally, Nanjing Muyan Binjiang Scenic Area (南京幕燕滨江风貌区长江观音景区), together with Dharma Ancient Cave Scenic Area (达摩古洞景区), are to make entry free for the over 60s on 14 October, while on 13 December, all visitors may enjoy free admittance.

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