
Stand by for 1 Minute of Honking Horns on 13 December


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Next Sunday, 13 December, marks the 83rd anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre. Always a sombre occasion, preparations are already at an advanced stage, including announcements as to traffic diversions and an instruction for motorists to blare their horns out of respect.

On the day, all roads adjacent to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial shall be closed to traffic from 07:00 to 13:00. Specifically, the roads are Chating Dong Lu, the sections of Yunjin Lu directly to the north and south of the Memorial, the section of Shuixi Men Da Jie between Beiwei Lu and Yanshan Lu, and the inner access lanes of the Hanzhong Men Da Jie to Fuyuan Jie section of Jiangdong Zhong Lu.

In addition, traffic control shall also be in operation on the main roads that form the outer perimeter of the Memorial, namely Beiwei Lu, Huxi Jie, Hanzhong Men Da Jie and Jiqing Men Da Jie between Yanshan Lu and Beiwei Jie, and Yanshan Lu between Hanzhong Men Da Jie and Jiqing Men Da Jie.

All vehicles shall be prevented from entering this perimeter between 08:00 and 13:00 on 13 December, while exit from within shall be permitted, reports the Yangtze Evening News.

On public transport, a number of buses will have their routes changed and trains on Nanjing Metro Line 2 will not stop at Yunjin Lu station while the memorial ceremony takes place.

As ever, the anniversary shall commence with the sounding of the city’s air raid sirens at regular intervals for much of the morning. In addition, upon the first air raid siren, motorists in the city’s main urban area are encouraged to stop their vehicles and honk their horns for a 1 minute period. Vehicles on or in expressways, viaducts and tunnels are exempt.

Pedestrians are requested to stand still on the spot and observe a 1-minute silence.

Elsewhere in the city, but at the same time, memorial activities shall be held at the sites of 17 Nanjing Massacre mass graves, in 12 residential communities and at six bases for patriotic education.

A full rehearsal for the anniversary at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial shall also be conducted this Sunday, 6 December.

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