
Lady’s Uncivilised Conduct on Nanjing Metro a Viral Sensation


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Nanjing Metro authorities have launched an investigation into the behaviour of a passenger, video of which has gone viral on account the lady in question simultaneously breaks several of the Metro’s regulations, displaying scant regard for the well being of others.

The lady’s conduct was observed on 10 October by passengers travelling in the same carriage on Metro Line 4, one of whom used their smartphone to film the behaviour and then post the footage on social media.

It all began somewhat innocently, with that which could have easily been deemed as mere forgetfulness. Yet, under the present climate, that the lady was not wearing a face mask on the metro immediately aroused the suspicion of other passengers.

The unmasked lady then went on to commit another serious metro no no; eating. Again, hardly a hanging offense, but nevertheless one that is taken seriously by authorities that are obsessively proud of their spotless metro system.

But that which really propelled the lady toward internet notoriety is the moments in the video when she decides to turn the metro carriage into her own personal gym space, using the overhead grab rails as monkey bars and the vertical grab rails as support for fitness kicks.

The video has also been shared by national news outlet, The Paper, and can be watched here.

Wearing face masks on the Nanjing Metro has been compulsory since COVID struck and body temperature measuring equipment was installed in all stations at the start of February, as The Nanjinger reported at the time.

As for consuming food and drink, not since 2014 has eating and drinking on the Nanjing Metro been permitted. As well as odors from food creating an unpleasant environment for passengers, so any spillage also wastes time in cleaning.

Using Maigaoqiao station as an example, from the second a train stops, the cleaning crew have precisely 3 minutes to make the entire train spotless before passengers can board again and the train depart.

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