
Student Expelled for Nanjing Massacre Remarks on Social Media


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The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences has expelled a student for making improper remarks regarding the Nanjing Massacre on overseas social media. The case highlights the degree to which China holds sway over her citizens, even whilst they are abroad.

It all began when Ji Ziyue departed China for the USA on 13 January, 2020, thinking that he was just going on a winter holiday. He would no doubt be back in lectures in just a few weeks when the new university term began. It was not to be.

Instead, stranded in the USA and unable to return to China, from March to June 2020, Ji chose to make inappropriate remarks relating to the Nanjing Massacre on social media platforms abroad.

Quite what motivated him remains unclear, but it was to be his undoing, after the remarks were discovered by alert netizens, who dobbed Ji into the authorise at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The University reported on 19 July that on 27 June, it immediately formed a team to carry out an investigation and award punishment, if appropriate.

As a result, Ji was demanded to a disciplinary hearing, albeit online, during his 14 day quarantine upon his return from the USA to Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province, on 8 July.

After hearing the relevant findings, Ji expressed self reflection, apology and repentance, recognising that his behavior had damaged the national interests and honour of his motherland, violated provisions of both State and school, and caused hurt to the national sentiment.

With the subsequent approval of the president’s office, Ji was expelled from the University, reported The Paper on 19 July.

Outspoken Chinese are well accustomed to having their comments censored on Chinese social media platforms. While comparatively rare for action to be taken against an individual doing so on foreign social media, the case of Ji reflects the seriousness with which the authorities take outside views of the Nanjing Massacre.

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