
Rampant Recruitment; Filling the Nanjing ESL Void


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Just as is the case across the mainland, Nanjing’s ESL schools are determined to recruit more teachers before the year is over. Although this task may prove difficult under the circumstances, recruitment agencies and schools are enthusiastically taking on the challenge.

Amidst the chaos of the virus, many schools sustained significant losses with their foreign staff, as many expats decided to pack up and return home to wait out the storm. The other lot found themselves stranded in countries across the globe over the holidays; unsure if they could return to their respective schools in Nanjing.

Then the dust began to settle, and the country reopened its borders allowing some expats to return, however, not every expat did. Some remained in other parts of the world and some fled back to their nest. It was an unsure time faced with insurmountable odds, yet the country recovered to some degree.

Now another challenge presents itself in the ESL community; how to replenish a depleted work force in a world ravished by Covid.

Post-Pandemic Nanjing

Despite the aforementioned scourge painting a bleak image, English institutions across the city of Nanjing remain faithful that a new wave of ESL instructors will be ready to teach. 

The Chinese spirit is still strong, and rampant efforts have been made to entice aspiring teachers back into the fold. Recruitment agencies and schools alike have made valiant strides as the demand for teachers is urgent. Agencies have bolstered these efforts by reaching out to potential recruits through a variety of resources. LinkedIn, for example, has become an invaluable tool to aid the burden Nanjing faces.

Moreover, reputable agencies such as Gold Star TEFL Recruitment support a steady stream of new listings daily, and their team is beyond enthusiastic to alleviate any transitional stress.

The alluring prospect of higher salaries is one such way schools are doubling down their attempts. Before the virus, a teacher could expect to make around ¥15,000 per month on average, but due to the current situation, that number has risen to ¥25,000 or more. Some ads even state that they are willing to pay ¥25–28 thousand per month with added perks, which include food, room and board, and even travel expenses. But, as a warning to newcomers, not every school will offer equally, and so it is paramount for hopeful instructors to do some digging first.

The Waiting Game

Nonetheless, individuals will have to wait for some time before making the cultural leap to Nanjing.  Most inbound flights are still suspended from foreign countries, which inhibits the ability to actually work in Nanjing currently.

In the interim, as new hires weather out the storm, they will have plenty of time to ease into the process and arrive fully prepared to take on their roles as educators. The projected target date for most is October, however, some schools predict a 2021 start date, which may curb some interest in newcomers. 

For those that do make the move, teaching ESL in Nanjing can be an immensely rewarding experience. New friends, sites to explore, and cuisine that sparks the palate awaits. Just make sure to bear in mind that patience, especially in this instance, is a virtue.

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