
Warning by Nanjing Expat Tells West Get Tough or Pay the Price


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People in China are continuing to be perplexed at the behaviour of many in Western countries, particularly given the rapid escalation of Covid-19 cases therein. Now, a foreigner in Nanjing has added his voice of warning to the concern, reports a US newspaper.

First there was the uproar of the Chinese internet over the packed stadium for a recent concert by Welsh band, Stereophonics. Then the utter puzzlement as to the panic buying of toilet paper. Now, it’s the bewilderment over people not being able to follow simple guidelines regarding social distancing.

One expat in Nanjing could stand it no more.

Chris Kirchenbauer had surgery before the Chinese New Year and elected to stay behind to recuperate, while his wife and two children returned to her home town. That town was Wuhan.

A native of Anderson in Indiana, USA, Kirchenbauer has been sending emails back home to his parents keeping them up to date as events have unfolded in China over the last 2 months. Those emails have been shared with local newspaper, The Herald Bulletin.

“I know this is harsh. Someone needs to speak firmly and directly. I will. Happy talk is over”, Kirchenbauer wrote.

“I’ve been saying, ‘Don’t panic.’ But based on what I see, (it) seems most of you are a little too relaxed about this. A little panic could be a good thing. Or at least enough anxiety to do the right thing.” 

Kirchenbauer’s warning joins the growing numbers united in the opinion that Western countries are going about their epidemic prevention in entirely the wrong way. 

Elsewhere in the USA, the State of Delaware has told its citizens that beaches are closed except for exercise or dog-walking. Many people in China find it incredulous that a government would condone going outside for exercise during the global epidemic of such a highly infectious disease.

“The only time you should leave your home or property is for food or medical attention, period”, said the warning Kirchenbauer. “Previous generations were sent off to war. Most of you are being asked to stay on your couch. I think you can do it.

“If you all don’t do it correctly, you’ll just have to do it longer. Or give up and accept huge infection rates, a completely broken health care system and a massive number of deaths (funerals you won’t be able to attend).”

Last week, the South China Morning Post reported on the reaction of Chinese netizens to the Stereophonics concert that went ahead in Cardiff, Wales, on 14 and 15 March after it was posted on Weibo.

One comment on the Weibo post read, “Don’t ask for China’s help when things start to get bad. You got yourself into this mess”.

To date, however, many of those warning voices have gone unheard, with the UK’s attitude to the threat of the epidemic being described as “cavalier”.

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