
Covid-19 Comment; China’s Struggle Against Novel Coronavirus


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The Nanjinger today begins publishing readers’ letters received in comment to the outbreak of Covid-19.

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I am Shah Faisal Khan from Pakistan, a Ph.D. candidate at Southeast University in Nanjing, I am living in China since 2015. Having been here for more than 4 years, I feel China is my second home, particularly as there are many similarities between Chinese culture and Pakistani culture. During this epidemic war of corona virus (COVID-19), I remembered the time when I was an undergraduate student and my country was under the attacks of terrorists and daily there were suicide bomb blasts and many people almost more than 70,000 people died. Being a victim of war-affected area I remembered those days when there was curfew every day and Pakistan Army started operations against the terrorists. People migrated from their homes to safe protected areas and due to the successful operation of Pakistan Army, Pakistan defeated the terrorism and started a new chapter of success, development and spreading peace to the world.

Since December 2019, the novel coronavirus has infected many people across China and in a few other countries. As soon as the virus was first noticed by the Chinese government, it undertook a national effort to stop its spread, ordering schools, universities and workplaces to remain closed. 

Authorities have advised people to stay at home, avoid crowded places, and not to use public transportation. Recently, I have been spending my time in the international student dormitory. I remembered those days when we were victims of war in my country and were staying inside homes. Those days no one knew that if I go out from home whether I will come alive or not because suicide bombs and planted bombs were part of normal life those days. This virus reminds me of those days but there is a big difference between that terrorism war and this epidemic war. In Pakistan, we never faced epidemic war and for me, this is a new experience of life. This virus is epidemic viral disease war which attacks human being through transmission from surface to surface, air and from animals to human. And defeating this virus is the responsibility of everyone; we should all cooperate with the Chinese government and follow the advice of health professionals. China is using its technology, education, research, and private sector as it tries to stop the virus. 

The time when few countries were busy to conquer the world by spreading rumors, support, and equipped terrorists and experimenting to destroy the economies of countries.  That time China was busy to develop its nation, technology, education, research, business and many more aspect of a successful country. When China accomplished the mission of success with love and peace for their people. China opened its doors to the world and welcomed everyone to come to China for business, jobs, research, and education, etc. And many people came to China and I was also one of them, I first came to China for a master’s degree in 2015. I have found it to be a very peaceful country, a place of diverse culture and hospitality. After completion of my master’s degree, I decided to study for a doctorate. And while many foreigners have left China during this time, I decided to stay put and support the country. Our religion not permitting us to leave a place where there is an epidemic and do not enter to a place of epidemic as the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, If you get news of the outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it, and if it breaks out in a land in which you are, do not leave it.

China has proven to the world that it is a peaceful and successful country. This is a very tough and critical time, and it is important that China gets international support to fight the virus. While the challenges may seem great, I support it from the core of my heart. I am standing with China at this difficult time and support its efforts to stop the outbreak.

Those countries who spread hate to the world are now showing their racist face to the world against China. Being a foreigner living in China I want to tell to the world that stop your racism and stop rumors about China. I am a witness that China is doing its level best to defeat this virus. The government of China is protecting everyone’s life, our University especially the CIS office is 24h active and helping us. They are fulfilling our demands, they are bringing food for us to the dormitory and provided us masks for our health safety. Cheering up and fully cooperating with us even they locked their kids at homes and coming to help us and risking their own life for us. This is the love and peace spreading of the Chinese and government of China. I believe and trust that China will very soon win this war and will be more successful than before.

On behalf of all Pakistani’s living in China, I am fully confident that if China needs any volunteer help we all Pakistani’s are available to help China. I want to send my prayers and best wishes to China. I have faith that the country’s efforts will overcome this battle and life will return to normal. And together, we will be able to celebrate the success of this nation’s efforts. 

Stay Strong China!

Stay Strong Wuhan!

Shah Faisal Khan, Ph.D. Candidate, Southeast University

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