
An Infected Person is Nearby; Big Data/Your Phone to the Rescue!


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Wouldn’t it be fabulous if your phone could alert you to being in proximity with a Covid-19-infected person? Thanks to the wonders of technology, now it can.

One of the key strategies in seeking out those potentially infected has been to track people’s movements on public transport, as The Nanjinger reported on 26 January. However, the system was slow and cumbersome. Its replacement does the tracking and a whole lot more.

To this end, every metro and bus on Nanjing’s public transportation network has had a special notice applied containing a QR code. The notice is located in the window of each metro train carriage, on the door next to the bus driver’s seat and on the rear door of the bus.

Passengers may “register” having boarded the bus or train by scanning the code. The passenger’s mobile phone will display the information as to metro carriage number or bus license plate, as well as time and point of boarding. Passengers are advised to keep screenshots for future reference, suggests Dissemination Nanjing.

On first scan, an information registration page shall open. Passenger information will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to track and investigate suspected cases and close contacts during epidemic prevention and control.

While it is not mandatory for passengers to scan the code, the practice is strongly recommended. In this manner, passengers who get into the habit of scanning the code as much as possible are protecting the health of both themselves and others.

Now, from the moment a case is confirmed, authorities will be able to map out everywhere someone has recently been and identify everyone they have been nearby on public transport. And it will be done more or less instantly.

Since it is possible for someone to be a Covid-19 carrier but not yet be showing any symptoms, this kind of tracking is invaluable in addressing effective prevention.

The kicker is that this all means the system can notify passengers on the same bus or in the same metro train carriage when a suspected case is found, thus ensuring the health and safety of citizens.

In time, the deployment of such a system may well turn out to be the most beneficial use of big data to date.

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