
Coronavirus Poetry; Emotional Beauty in Words and Pictures


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The arts; theatre, poetry, painting, music and dance. Such works provide us with fitting contrasts to the cold, emotionless science of epidemic prevention. Many words and pictures therefore now emerge that capture life and the nature of humanity during this unique time.

In the wake of the coronavirus, there is already enough material for a blockbuster movie.

That day will no doubt come. In the meantime, the application of human creative skill and imagination goes on, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Local media outlet, Longhoo, has today released just such a work.

Beauty Laid Bare; Confucius Temple Deserted

Tourist spots in Nanjing are closed, sealed off from the general public. And that includes Fuzimiao and Laomendong, shut up since 25 January. Were this any other time, they would be bustling with activity.

Image courtesy Longhoo

The arial photography in the newly-released video show the hitherto unseen. It’s an unprecedented opportunity to capture the areas’ stark beauty. 

Poetry from Qatar Dedicated to China

The Nanjinger’s resident poet, Maitiu Brallaghan, is now based in Qatar, but previously lived in Nanjing and Tianjin. He has penned this from afar, and gifts it to the Chinese nation.

New Year 2020

By Maitiu Brallaghan

With fire crackers and streets of red,

The Nian is once said to have been put to bed.  

Now “jia you” calls across cowed city towers,  

Inspiring new hearts in these darkest of hours. 

If every tradition begins with an action

Which only through time becomes an abstraction

Of what it once was, well so let it begin.

Maybe in time at New Year we’ll sing

“Jia you” from windows wide open for luck,

Then sit down to feasts of fish and duck 

Dishes. And our children’s grandchildren will wonder

What it’s all about, this communal thunder.  

And they’ll be retold the story, told by families all, 

Of how a people stayed strong thanks to these calls,

Defeated their demon with songs through the air…

But for now, I can only offer my thoughts and my prayers.

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