
Gloves More Important than Masks in Virus Fight, Experts Agree


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The message about wearing masks has got through to the Chinese populace. Next, attention is being turned to the importance of gloves, as experts worldwide unite in assisting China in the fight to prevent the spread of 19-n-CoV.

The Chinese New Year may have been extended but some people will nevertheless now be beginning their journey back from their ancestral home and into the cities. This will be a critical juncture that may well decide whether 19-n-CoV poses a truly serious threat. 

The need to be especially wary of the potential for the virus’ spread is now paramount.

Speaking on London’s LBC radio this morning, Professor William Keevil, Professor of Environmental Healthcare at the University of Southampton, joined the sentiments of his American counterparts and those of the National University of Singapore, in calls for increased hand hygiene and the wearing of gloves.

Nearer to home, in a public-information post on WeChat earlier today, Nanjing-based Taile Medical says, “Even wearing a mask every day is just a collector for the virus when you are outside, and then it becomes a source of virus dispersion at home”.

The post also includes a 2-and-a-half minute, tutorial video on the “Seven Steps of Hand Washing”.

Viruses such as Wuhan’s new strain of coronavirus can infect a surface for up to 3 days after, for example, an infected person coughs nearby. According to a FAQ published by the New South Wales government of Australia, “The novel coronavirus (n-CoV) can be spread from person to person most likely by coughing or contact with respiratory secretions”.

Every person touches literally hundreds of different surfaces every day, and it is human nature to shortly afterwards, touch our faces, noses or mouths. Should gloves be unavailable, regular and thorough washing of hands is therefore vital.

Professor Keevil’s specific advice is to wear gloves when outside, and upon retuning home, to wash the gloves thoroughly. They should then be left to dry and the hands again washed thoroughly.

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