
Let’s Get Physical (7) Tabattas; Earning that Bit of Brie


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Well here we are again. Welcome back, or indeed welcome, to Nanjing! Home to us all, for now. So, how was your summer? Paradise by the pool? Long lunches at the lake? Boarding at the beach? Meandering in the mountains? Site-seeing in seriously, scorchio scenic err…sites? (Ooh, I’ve outdone myself there). Anyway, no matter because all that stuff is over. It’s back to business. No point hankering after the cheese shop… it’s gone. You’ll be lucky if you can hunt out a Kraft cheese slice around here. No matter; some enforced dietary restrictions can only be good as we work our way in to Christmas.

I know, I’m a wee bit early on the Christmas advertising front for most people’s liking, but if you want to work off the long vacation’s indulgences, and be ready for the next holiday season, we need to get cracking. Now, don’t get me wrong… I am not advocating yo-yo diets or crazy exercise regimes, in fact the very opposite. You should know me by now! I’m saying let’s get going on those new habits for life, in this new season, ready to see the difference by the festive season.

So now, I suspect you’ll be bogged down trying to settle into your new routine for the year, so now is the time to find the gym time-table, work out the classes you want to get to, find a new sports club, for example, just off the top of my head, The Nanjing Warriors Touch Rugby club, who play at Nanjing International School on Sundays (see me for details)… just saying. Point is NOW is the time to set the pace and make exercise part of your life.

While you’re getting yourself organised, don’t be tempted to do nothing. Get in the mood with some Tabatta regimes. Tabattas are great because they can be done indoors or outdoors, depending on how addicted you are to sweat and mosquitos. They are also quick and dirty… allowing you to optimise your time for cheese hunting or earning money to pay the crazy import prices on a tiny bit of Brie.

Here’s a little Tabatta I prepared earlier for you:

Do each exercise as hard as you can for 20 seconds, with 10 seconds break in between for 4 sets, for beginners; 6 sets for intermediate; 8 sets for serious cheese lovers and advanced. At the end of every exercise have a 1 minute break. Look up and download the “Seconds” app which is fantastic for organising timers for this kind of session.

  1. Burpees (with variations such as including a press-up or a leg kick)
  2. Squat jumps (or lunge jumps, or sumo squats)
  3. Crunches (or other tummy exercise, eg Russian twists, reverse crunches, scissor kicks)
  4. Mountain climbers
  5. Dips (or other arm workout such as bicep curls with weights)
  6. Plank (or variation such as side plank, plank with shoulder tap)

As always, change up an exercise to work with any injuries or weak spots. Tabattas are intense so be mindful of what your body can do. Be sure to do some dynamic stretches to warm up and some light stretching to cool down.

In summary, get some good habits going, but while you’re waiting to establish a routine, bust out some Tabattas four times a week to get your body in the mood. See you pitch side on Sundays.

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